We all know that keeping the household carpets clean is important in order to prevent them from becoming worn and unsightly in appearance. With this in mind; it is essential to recognize that routine carpet maintenance alone is not enough to provide the thorough cleaning that they need. In fact, even the best household vacuum cleaners, over the counter spot stain removers and carpet deodorizers fall short of completing the job.
What is the solution? In order to truly deep clean carpets; there simply is no substitute for getting them professionally cleaned on a consistent basis. Yet; it is easy for even those who are most diligent with household chores to be lulled into a sense of complacency where carpet maintenance is concerned. The carpets look good, we reason; so getting them professionally treated can wait. But as we all know; looks can be deceiving.
So is it time to call on the services of professional carpet cleaning in Dekalb, Il? There actually are several good reasons why this month may be the perfect time to get the household carpets cleaned. Here are a few simple questions to consider:
- Do my carpets receive foot traffic on a daily basis? If people walk on the carpets throughout the day; dirt gets on them and gets driven deeper into the carpet fibers over time. This deeply embedded dirt can only be removed by powerful cleaning equipment that uses hot water extraction, and that possesses maximum suction capacity to loosen and extract all of the dirt from the carpet.
- Do members of my family or friends bring food or drink into the carpeted areas of the house? Even in the most vigilant of households; an unsightly carpet stain can be caused by something as simple as a few spilled drops of coffee. The simple fact is that everyday life in a home can be extremely tough on carpets, causing stains from various sources to occur over time. Only professional cleaning treatments use cleaning fluids powerful enough to remove all of the tough stains.
- Do I have pets that have access to the carpets; Is there a smoker in the house; Is cooking a frequent activity in my house? What do these three seemingly unrelated questions have in common? All of them are sources of odors. Pet odor, the potent scent of cooked food such as fried meats, and smoke from cigars or cigarettes are all capable of infiltrating carpets over time with foul odors that standard strength carpet deodorizers can only mask. After a professional treatment; the fresh, like-new scent will be restored to your carpets.
For nearly all of us; the answer to at least one of these questions is a resounding yes. So if the carpets in your household have not been professionally cleaned in several months; isn’t it time to contact us at Clean USA? We provide expert professional cleaning services at reasonable prices, and can get your carpets looking their very best. We guarantee it. Call today, and discover the difference that professional carpet cleaning in Dekalb, Il can make!